Selected Publications, Major Projects, and Work Samples
of Dr. Dean G. "Gordy" Fairchild
Some sample publications are available in Adobe PDF form; please follow the appropriate link. Other publications and presentations are unavailable because of confidentiality agreements. Topics of these confidential projects appear at the bottom of this page.
"Financial Implications of Convergence and Uneven Micromarket Infrastructure Development on S. Miami-Dade County Agribusinesses." [PDF file] For South Florida (Miami-Dade County) Agricultural Land Retention Study, IFAS Market Research Center, Gainesville, FL. April, 2001. Identify underserved areas, quantify cost differential by area, correlate infrastructure data with census block, GIS, and Census of Agriculture ziptile data to produce statistical profiles of micromarket areas.
Convergence of Traditional Telephony, Enhanced Telecommunications, Private Data Networking, and the Internet into Hypercommunications: Implications of the New Economics of the Network for Florida Agribusinesses. Ph.D. Dissertation, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Food and Resource Economics, Gainesville, FL, (December 2000). Chair, Prof. Ron Ward. Numerous topics, see Table of Contents or Chapter 1 for explanation.
"Agribusiness Hypercommunications Seminar." [PDF file] Presentation, July, 1999. Gainesville, FL.
"11 Steps to Promoting Your Web Site on the Internet." [PDF file] Fort Lauderdale, FL: Safari Internet, (June 1998).
"Turbo (web promotion) Marketing Packages Comparison Chart." [PDF file] Fort Lauderdale, FL: Safari Internet, (January 1998). Document Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
"Safari Internet Fact Sheet." [PDF file] Example of marketing collateral. Fort Lauderdale, FL: Safari Internet, (September 1997). This link requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
"Risk Premia in the FCOJ (Frozen Concentrate Orange Juice) Futures Markets: a Thirty Year Perspective." [PDF file] (Chair, Dr. Ronald Ward) Applied Econometrics Field Paper, University of Florida, IFAS, FRED, Gainesville, FL. (January 1997). SAS Simulation of 600,000 possible positions for 46,000 hedge strategies in FCOJ futures market over 30-year period to recover evidence of risk premium.
"You Know it's Going to be a Bad Day when a 60 Minutes Camera Crew is Waiting for You at Work--A Case Study of Chicken Contamination Publicity." (with Roger A. Dahlgran). Applied Commodity Price Analysis and Forecasting. Proceedings of the NCR-134 Conference, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Chicago, IL, April 22-23, 1995. Ed. B. Wade Brorsen. pp. 204-16.
"The Poultry Publicity Puzzle: An Application of Advertising Audience Estimation Techniques to the Analysis of Demand for Chicken During Contamination Publicity." [PDF file] M.S. Thesis, University of Arizona (July 1993). Received Outstanding Master's Thesis Award from American Association of Agricultural Economists, 1994. Chair, Prof. Roger A. Dahlgran.
"Pesticide Use Surveys in Arizona: What Do They Show?" (with Barry Bloyd, Sheila Merrigan, and Paul B. Baker) Council for Environmental Studies, State Pesticide Coordinators Office, Tucson, AZ (October, 1993).
"1992 Arizona Apple, Grape, and Wheat Agrochemical Use Survey: Final Report." (with Paul Baker, Sheila Merrigan and Barry Bloyd). Council for Environmental Studies, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. (February 1993).
"Agricultural Choices in the War on Drugs: Pay or Play?" [PDF file] Choices: 16-19. Third Quarter, 1992.
"1991 Arizona Agricultural Statistics." [PDF file] Annual Agricultural Statistics Bulletin of Arizona SSO, USDA, NASS. Bulletin narratives, radio crop and weather reports (August 1992). Link requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
"1990 Arizona Alfalfa Agrochemical Use Survey: Final Report." [PDF file] (with Paul Baker and Barry Bloyd), Council for Environmental Studies, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. (March 1992). Link requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
"Index of Prices Received by Farmers and Ranchers in Arizona: 1960-1990." [PDF file] USDA-NASS, Arizona Agricultural Statistics Service, Arizona SSO, Phoenix. (January 1992).
"1990 Arizona Agricultural Statistics." [PDF file] Annual Agricultural Statistics Bulletin of Arizona SSO, USDA, NASS. Bulletin narratives, radio/TV crop and weather reports (August 1991). Link requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Confidential Projects
"Market Opportunity Identification--Extent of Market Potential." Study for edge device (carrier-side) manufacturer. First phase concentrated on identification of collocation and RBOC infrastructure compatibility for three states in the Southeast U.S. Second phase expanded investigation into entire BellSouth serving area.
"Geographic and Industry Targeting Strategies for New Product Introduction (Integrated smart-T)." Regional CLEC. Used GIS mapping data, combined with ziptile/census block variables to suggest overlooked markets for converged business networking product.
"Use of Census of Business and BLS Multiplier Data to Target Telecommunication Sales According to Budget Share by SIC (Standard Industrial Classification)-NAICS (North American Classification System)." National CLEC.
"Analysis of Consumer and Business Markets in Underserved Telephone Exchange Areas in Florida and Impact on Universal Service Support." Regional CLEC.
"How Specific Hypercommunication Needs and Alternative Decision Tree Frameworks Predict Agribusiness Network Migration Strategies." FCC Rural-Certified ILEC.
"Florida Hypercommunications Price and Availability Comparison Study." Agribusiness Trade Association.
"Statistical Analysis of Website Logs: Response to Web Marketing and Promotion Over Time." Separate studies performed for clients of Safari Internet.
"Attractiveness of Selected Florida ISPs for CLEC Takeover or Purchase." Florida Venture Capital Firm. Financial analysis of expected revenue per consumer and business customer based on subscriber predictor variables.
"Assessment of Various Kinds of Bandwidth Futures Markets." Tier 1 Carrier.
"Modeling Advertising, Sales Response, and Demand Functions for Agricultural Commodities: Measuring the Effectiveness of Category Check-off and Brand Promotion." Presentation, Florida Trade Association. Comparison of media exposure models, sales response surfaces, neural network transfer function approach, and demand curve functional form in measuring advertising effectiveness and rate-of-return.
"Identification of Sources of Shrinkage in S. Arizona Convenience Store Chain." District analysis (6 month period) of 12 stores. Using register and POS data, statistical models were used to test whether gas runs, register shortages, no sales, and other irregularities were more likely to occur when some employees worked than when others did. Study also looked at sales by day-of-week, time-of-day, and employee to quantify whether there were positive effects on sales.
"Explanation of Shrinkage and Above Average Sales for S. Arizona Convenience Store Chain." Zone analysis (1 year period, 85 stores). Expansion of above analysis.
Bonanza steakhouse project. Group project for Marketing Research class. Pre-screen respondents in-store for telephone interviews for restaurant. Interview, data reduction, data analysis, and presentation of results to client.
Research Information Center (Greyhound Corp., Phoenix, AZ). Telephone interviews of respondents in paper products, fast food restaurants, motion picture sneak previews, U.S. armed forces recruitment, farm products, publications, and other (mainly consumer) clients.
Point Magazine readership survey. Pre-test, sampling design, survey administration, data reduction, tabulation, and analysis for multi-phase market research study for college magazine. Sample size of 1200.
Tracking Polls. Anderson for President Campaign, Arizona. Sample design, supervision of interviewing, coding, tabulation, analysis of results, and report preparation for political campaign. (Over 7 month period, statewide, Arizona).