Table of Contents
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Please click on the appropriate link to view a particular chapter or section.
Hypercommunications defined; two models traditional of communication (interpersonal and mass); the hypercommunications model succeeds telecommununications; comparison of telecommunication with hypercommunication, specific hypercommunications services and technologies
Relationship between bandwidth and speed; computer modems (bandwidth & QOS); QOS reference model; 15 dimensions of QOS; QOS in practice
Conduit; the telephone infrastructure; cable TV infrastructure; dark fiber infrastructure; data & voice transport; fiber optic backbones
Overview of electromagnetic spectra, terrestrial wireless (fixed and mobile), satellite technology, wireless QOS.
Protocols and standards; wireline-wireless facilitation technologies; voice-data consolidation technologies
Traditional telephony services (POTS): local and long-distance; access technologies and CPE
CPE; AIN CO technologies; call centers; dedicated circuits; circuit-switched digital circuits; enhanced mobile telecommunications (digital cellular & PCS); paging & wireless messaging
Networking equipment; packet-switched services; cell-switched networks (ATM); SONET & fiber optic networking technology; wireless WANs; managed services
Internet access and transport; e-mail; domain names; IP addresses; web site hosting; website design; programming; maintenance; website promotion & measurement; OS & IP applications and services; VPNs & convergent applications; security, privacy & use policies; e-agribusiness; e-commerce; customer service; new media
Technical boundaries; political & regulatory boundaries; why boundaries matter
Hypercommunications bundling
Most of this material is available by purchase only. Here are public links that apply to S. Miami-Dade County, Florida only.
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